(Published in the October 2023 issue of the Millwater Magazine and the Orewa Magazine)
Growing up in NZ I was surrounded by pride in our little country, punching well above its weight. This pride really caught on. Celebrating our sporting achievements with the All- Blacks, Whites, Silver ferns, America’s Cup and our innovators such as Rocket Lab, Gibbs’ amphibious bike/boat, our movie industry, or more locally Ochiba Dojo cleaning up at competitions (See Sep Issue P15). Actually there are just too many to mention.
This feeling is fading, rapidly. I bring your attention to Bruce Cotterill’s NZ Herald 5 Sep article and subsequent letters to the editor on Pride. Look it up, whilst grim, Bruce’s words paint a true picture of where our country is sitting financially, I’m looking for change to take place at the booths.
But despite this, pride must come from us. Although we can feel somewhat helpless in the Macro picture we can make a difference in our micro environments. Yes voting wisely 2nd – 14th Oct, but once we do this, presenting ourselves, our homes and our businesses well will grow our pride and this pride is infectious.
As this column is about marketing, let’s look at our businesses. If we respect our brand, others will too. Respect and honesty in the way we advertise and speak with our customers will plant the healthy seeds. The way we do what we say we will and focus on providing value gives your business the watering it needs for life. And this attracts the good word of others to help irrigate.
I wrote a short book on ‘Brands, Respect, Pride’ 10 years ago. Out of print now, but the sentiment is perfect for today I feel. A brand isn’t a logo, a colour, an advert, a sales pitch – It’s all of these things. A successful brand is something that is respected by everyone who comes into contact with it. Pride is NOT something that can be bought with large budget campaigns. Pride is something that comes from within, and builds momentum through every touchpoint. So it’s available to all of us.
Start with ‘knowing your why’ (See my August article on P25) and then build your story around this. And be true to this each time you sponsor, advertise and sell something. Put the effort in to tidy your presentation and don’t leave any pot unturned. Make sure you are consistent so your customers are given the chance to notice you. There it is right there, they’ll notice you and the pride you have in the way you do what it is you do.
If you respect your brand others will too.
Chris Norris – Truth Seeker Cert. MKTG | MCC | Cert. Typography
Former Chairman of Business Whangaparaoa and Board Member for Silverdale Business. He is also a mentor with the Business Mentors Programme at MBIE. Now running a locally focussed branding business. Allbrand.co.nz – Revealing the truth in businesses. If you are passionate about something you already have a true story. Get in touch to seek it: Chris@allbrand.co.nz